Amazing Rose


You kept us all going

The Principal

We will miss you so much

Office Staff
History Department
Arts Department
Phys Ed department
Tech department
Guidance Department
Spec Ed Resource
Science Department
Math Department
The Wrights
Arwen and Rob
The McKnights
Sean McElrea and Scott Weldon

Erin Siska

Claudia Popp

Theresa Watt

Nancy McDowell

Bill McGuire

Children of rose

Childcare and Gardening

Rick Leroux

Barb McCarthy

From Shanthi Aranha

Dear Rose,

You are truly a little ray of sunshine in everyone’s day. I find your kindness, positivity and compassion, inspirational. You welcome everyone and treat everyone with such kindness. You have led through example, showing what it means to be a good person and an exceptional colleague.
Thank you for everything that you have done for me and for the school.
Banting will not be the same place without you.
You will be greatly missed.
Enjoy your retirement! Keep in touch!
Lots of love, 

Pictures of Spirit